Solver book and upcoming events
I’ve made a Solver book collection, primarily so I have something to sell at a couple of conventions coming up. I have only printed a short run. Having teased it on social media, I’ve been peppered with “where can I get it” questions. The answer is, it will be available from a few stockists in the UK and I will send some to Topatoco, but I think that will be at the start of September. I’ll make an announcement here, and via the mailing list and Patreon, when it’s more widely available. There’s no pre-order; if I run out, I am sure I will make more.
Contains everything published between 2022 and 2024 (ie all the Glenn Durgan stories, but not Circus Windows).
Stapled, Leeds UK, Sunday August 25th [TICKETS]
Thought Bubble, Harrogate UK, November 16-17 [TICKETS]

What does it cover? Which parts of Solver?
“Contains everything published between 2022 and 2024 (ie all the Glenn Durgan stories, but not Circus Windows).”
(Unless that was a recent edit inspired by this question.)
Oh I need this for my collection! And I live far too far north to get to Leeds.
Three UK shops have ordered copies so you will be able to pick and choose.