The gap between Giant Days #1 and #2 was 18 months. The gap between #2 and #3 was one week. I knew I was onto something, and ideas were coming fast. But this third issue is still a test of the parameters of the series. There are things in here that are very clearly the series as it was published by Boom (the Indie Society plotline) and things that were dead ends (the Black Metal Society “supernatural” element). The indie society came from a story my then-girlfriend gave me about joining Indie Soc at Bristol University. They all met in a pub, and then whoever was in charge suggested they “write down a list of indie bands.” This seemed utterly absurd.

Another weird thing about this issue is that Erin Winters from Scary Go Round is in it, but Esther doesn’t recognise her. I only remembered writing this that Erin had been erased from the collective memory at this point. The kind of oughts webcomic plot over-stuffing that now gives me hives.

This was me monkeying with the chemistry of the series to see what worked. The red-haired girl needn’t have been Erin, really I just wanted to show Daisy and Susan testing the parameters of their little group, like it wasn’t quite settled yet. Erin appears briefly in one scene in the Boom series, writing her out.

Looking back at this (quite experimental) third self-published issue, I can see how I would do it now and make it more coherent with what followed it. You send Esther to indie society with Daisy and Susan, and she punctures it, then you send Daisy and Susan to black metal society, and Susan accidentally becomes president. But I worked some stuff out about Daisy through her interactions with Erin, that would pay dividends several years later. Getting it wrong is sometimes more valuable than getting it right. Just don’t get it wrong too often.

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