Pretty little insect
When I showed this page to a cartoonist friend, he was very taken with the lad in panel 1, instantly nicknaming him “Bobby Problems”. Keep an eye out for the return of Bobby Problems.
When I showed this page to a cartoonist friend, he was very taken with the lad in panel 1, instantly nicknaming him “Bobby Problems”. Keep an eye out for the return of Bobby Problems.
Gotta watch out for those disaffected utes.
I guess Mikey didn’t see the DG after all
Maybe he didn’t put 2 & 2 together? But he’s ripped his trousers at the knee and the patch will be sewn on for the honor, a reminder of his good deed!
Did he ruin his summer knees?
Bobby Problem saw her. He will have a part in her capture! For now is so sweet to see how much the group care about Claire. Second and sixth panel are so sweet.
Why are pain stars blasting Claire in panel 5??? Then Claire takes a big concussion lie down for the “big sleep”. EvilLottie wins?
I don’t think those are pain stars. I think those are stars of inspiration.
pain can be very inspirational though
This is exactly the sort of thing a Bond villain says at the outset of a torture session.
“I trust you will look on this as an opportunity for personal growth, Mister Bond. Not, of course, in the physical sense — I rather expect to move in the opposite direction there.” (starts moving in with the electric piranha tank)
They could be pain stars. She said she was bruised and shaken (not stirred).
But we don’t see the stars in the previous panel or the following panel. We only see them in the panel where she’s being inspiring. We saw genuine pain stars on the previous page when she fell, but I don’t think that’s what we’re seeing on this page.
They just signify star quality
Indeed, Claire’s beaux seem to be more stirred than she.
I bet those youths are from Wendlefield. Maybe the same ones who started that barn fire.
Bloody Wendlefield Barn Burners!
She knows what happened and Claire will communicate with Lottie about this (when Lottie comes out of hiding.)
“Bobby Problems” looks extremely familiar to me from somewhere. Maybe a different webcomic or something? I can’t place him.
He could either be one of the Slag brothers (Boulder Mobile) from Wacky Races or Cousin Itt from the Adams Family.
A distant cousin of our favorite warlock, perhaps?
He looks like Ronnie, the protagonist of Whomp!
When I saw him I thought of Fred Hembeck.
One for the teenagers!
Bobby Problems instantly reminded me of Hägar The Horrible without his lid
Our Doppleganger will soon learn to never underestimate an angry Claire.
Uh oh, Lottie’s Doppleganger runs like a DBZ character. That’s not a good sign.
Do DBZ characters make a “FLEE” sound when they run?
Doesn’t everyone?
I certainly do.
Only when fleeing, otherwise it would cause confusion
Well of course it doesn’t make a “FLEE” sound when I’m pursuing somebody. That would be silly.
Stay tuned as Bobby Problems becomes Bobby Solutions!
If he doesn’t mix well with others, he might end up being Bobby Suspensions.
Chap from Glasgow once threatened to give me a “bobby suspension.” I never dared to ask what that might entail.
If he tends to just show up from nowhere, me might be Bobby Precipitates.
HE might be
Grumble grumble.
I suspect he may become Bobby Look-we-really-want-to-give-you-some-lines-but-the-budget-won’t-stretch-to-that-sorry-occasional-extra …
ONE failed attempt and she declares Claire to be “indestructible”? That’s no attitude for a criminal mastermind to have.
MAYBE this wasn’t her first (or even second) try?
The Ongoing Side Quests of Bobby Problems
Can’t wait for his clone saga, The Three Bobby Problem.
Gotta love physics jokes!
I dub the blonde guy Mophead Maurice. He seems like he and Bobby Problems get together on saturday’s and do long hits from the drug pipe.
Looking at panel two this is some of the most vunerable i’ve seen claire. And yes that includes a 12 year old claire begging her boyfriend not to turn her in. It hammers home how CLOSE this was and is the kind of expression that makes me happy to re-read the issue as it comes out publicly, as you just notice these little touches. She rebounds fast, at least enough to bluff the Claire Hairem, or a Claireem as i’m now calling em, so good on her.
Tell me, John, is Mikey wearing a tie in a loosened, jaunty, fashion OR is it a 60’s Carnaby Street-style neckscarf?
The latter I think
Bobby Witness, more like
I would die for Bobby Problems
Better Bobby Problems than Bobby Tables.
If Claire only realized the flames she kindles in these boys’ hearts
Maybe it’s better for the world if she doesn’t.
Is doppelottie displaying a slight French accent there in panel 1?
I’m imagining it in the ‘accent’ spoken by Dr. Evil.
Just reads as “generic evil villain” to me.