Interpol had missed a trick
This is a fun flashback, isn’t it? Nothing has been seen, thus far, of Lottie and Claire’s time between the end of Bad Machinery and the start of Wicked Things/Solver. Imagine if we could explore this territory a little more. I feel that, alas, it’s an impossible dream.
Food in the Works of John Allison could be a subject for a monograph.
I made Zabaglione after it was mentioned in Solver. Then I reread some of Giant Days and it’s mentioned there too! But I realized that the zabaglione I made was not the same type as the type in the comics. In the comics it’s referring to an espresso drink of some sort, but the recipe I made was for a pudding. Further research is needed.
Also: I haven’t had Brunost in a long time but I don’t like it. I think I probably tried it once when I was five and I don’t know if I’ve ever given it a second chance.
But I think I can guess what the result will be if I ever decide to try it again.
Hated brunost when I first tried it, but it grew on me. Rather regretting that I didn’t buy more at the weekend.
Singing a Scorpions song was sure to get them im guten mit der Jugend.
Even though the karaoke lyrics suggest The Scorpions’ Wind of Change, the visuals sadly reminded me of The Vengaboys’ Sha La La La La
That is a disturbing combination
Wednesfield girl’s school has very bad uniform! But Claire and Lottie looks so good in the thipical alpine dress and I’m sure the cheese was delicious. I would love to see more of that time. It’s not an impossible dream. If you can dream it, you can do it.
I also second a comic about Lottie and Claire’s Alpine sojourns.
The turophile in me was content with Claire name-dropping yarg.
With brunost I am truly overwhelmed.
Never underestimate the power behind pick-up lines like ‘Let me open the door for you to a new kind of cheese.’ The world is chock-full of unhappy & bitter divorced individuals who were lured down the road to disaster with the promise of exciting new dairy products. Egg Nog alone has been the root cause of 17% of all broken families in Wisconsin.
I mean there was Wen-Tack
This means Wen-Tack is part of Bad Machinery! Update everything! Rewrite all appendices!
I feel like there’s an important clue in these memories somewhere. Probably on the next page, since I can’t see anything particularly clue-ish on this page.
Obviously Lottie incidentally destroyed the relationship or budding criminal career of some vengeful young rich lass there who was roughly her size and shape
Dang, their dirndl game is on point!
Take me on.
Take on me.
It’s about time they asked more about the ski trip! I’m afraid they’re solving skills have gotten rusty. But one must do what one can with what one has.
The way the pink wall fades into an alpine sky, and the snowy resort town slumps down onto the divan!
Brunost representation in my favourite webcomic; I’ve never been more proud to be Norwegian
What a treat! I’m actually fine with only knowing about the ski trip through Lottie and Claire’s retellings. Much like discovering new cheese, I think part of the thrill is not always exactly knowing how it’s made.
Interpol probably put Chief Inspector Koichi Zenigata on the case. His reputation for solving things isn’t great.