A lot of very similar haircuts
I always enjoyed the foreign travel stories in Scary Go Round, though the smaller scale remit of the series I’ve made since made those little excursions harder to fit in. Lottie likes to think of herself as a sophisticate, Claire has caught the disease from her, and I enjoy seeing them pretend to be adults.
Beate definitely didn’t know how to write a menacing note back then
No self-respecting international villain would be caught dead using ‘nincompoop’
“Nattering nincompoop” could be acceptable, but only if you are the type of international villain who can and will make a good evil cackle.
What is the difference between thinking oneself a sophisticate, and being one? I suspect it involves being able to hear the word ‘frühstück’ without staring blankly.
Most places in Europe have a rather blank attitude towards breakfast, causing the unaware to stare blankly.
Some excellent Claire faces this time!
P6 is especially delightful.
Someone is going to get burned, metaphorically speaking, and she’s just the one to do it.
Yes Beate, you’re going to have to do a lot better than that to upend Lottie and Claire whether it be threatening notes or stylish winter sweaters.
Lottie is difficult to upend. Low center of gravity.
Maybe Beate should try framing her for murder.
I’m not seeing it, unless something truly catastrophic happens to Beate and it drives her to total insanity.
Like a Weeble!
Yes, that ratty blue hoodie from the previous strip just won’t cut it.
Do the Euro boys have similar haircuts? I guess we’ll have to mullet over.
The Three Blades? Lore alone knows what’s under their balaclavas from the last page.
Or check out this page.
The word was often spelled ‘nickum-poop’ up to about the 19th century or so, usually attributed to Nicodemus, being one of the more derpy characters from The Bible. Despite its origins, it still sounds like something an immature goody two-shoes might use, thinking of it as a strong insult.
Warum mit die kase brauchst den madchen helfen
High school German, fail me now
Is that old bird scoping out the jewelry in question?
If Beate’s plan was to push Lottie and Claire to never abandon the case, that’s totally working. She seems very naïve.
She wasn’t very specific in that note, but involving the jewel-heist they’re all trying to solve (and take credit for) would have given Lottie and Claire a solid CLUE! I’m glad to see the 2 girls managed to restrain themselves from getting a bit of everything on their plates. After all, they’re NOT on this case to gain 20 pounds! (Each)
Absolutely the worst way to get Lottie to stop doing something.