A new chapter begins on Monday and all I can tell you is that it is snowy in the extreme. My Patreon subscribers in all but the lowest tier will be able to read it in full on Sunday. Sign[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Wobbly Head (part 3)
You can read Solver part 3 in full (in hi-res PDF format) on my Patreon. Part 3 begins! I’ve never been on a sleeper train. I’ve slept on trains but never for more than about half an hour. A good[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Who is this winsome little bug? She seems very nice. Why have we gone backwards in time? Maybe it’s just fun to look back, sometimes. To remember how things used to be.
I recognise those two aspirational musical stars. The haircuts are different, but the song remains the same.
Lottie doesn’t often flex her German these days, but as you can see, it was just as good as her French.
“The Case of the Jade Cartel” was referenced briefly in Wicked Things, the series that Wobbly Head is meant to finally close the door on (copies are still available from your bookseller). I’m not 100% sure what happened during this undocumented[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Drawing this page was a torment unequal to the final result, but I tried to render what I had roughed out a month before.
I always enjoyed the foreign travel stories in Scary Go Round, though the smaller scale remit of the series I’ve made since made those little excursions harder to fit in. Lottie likes to think of herself as a sophisticate, Claire[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We saw these stylish ski outfits briefly in the last chapter. I’m still very pleased with them. The bodyguard’s ski attire is one of Roger Moore’s outfits from For Your Eyes Only. There were many more brilliant ski outfits in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I became very fond of Bea while writing and drawing this chapter. She’s a perfect mystery friend. Well, almost perfect.