YES, A tattoo! Let’s try to guess what it is. Energy Crow? A bat? Or, trying to erase her fear, a seagull? The mystery about Evilottie grow and I really like Lottie’s powerful pose in last panel and how an amused Shauna contrast it so well
I had a UV one (Batman-themed) on my arm
I say ‘had’ because it’s faded so much you can only find it in pitch black with a UV source if you know exactly where to look!
When I got it however it shone so much under UV it looked like it hovered above my skin, but nobody could see it during the day…
I guess the detective entourage are hoping Evilottie can’t track down the tattooist and find out what was inked behind Ethicalottie’s hairline
Yes indeed. I’m guessing demonic possession is just common enough in this universe that it’s a normal thing that insurance companies have a policy for.
My initial thought was that she was amused by the idea of demon[ic] possession but then it occurred to me that that’s probably something that the Mystery Kids have in fact encountered before. The only thing I recall at the moment about demons in the strip[s] is that, in “Scary-Go-Round,” it was revealed that the Devil is a guy called “Ralph” and that Ryan considered him to be a friend.
I can think of two other climactic tattoos in the SGR-verse:
-The creepy Black Metal Society tattoo from the pre-Boom Giant Days #3 (I think this was a dropped plot line)
-The photo-realistic tattoo Shauna’s step-dad got at the end of one of the Bad Machinery stories. That was a rare punchline (in anything) that made me actually LOL.
I think there’s a SGR flashback of Amy getting her ink as well, but I recall that happened off-panel (and possibly in Portland, Oregon?), and we already knew about her tattoos, so it wasn’t a climactic moment.
Needless to say, I’m looking forward to the reveal of Lottie’s mystery ink!
Back in Bobbins, Shelley and Holly got matching friendship tattoos — a sprig of holly for Shelley, and a shell for Holly. IIRC, Shelley got hers lasered off after Holly went bad.
Oh I don’t know, I’ve gone around corners expecting nothing and been more than a bit disappointed when what turned up was the back of someone’s trailer.
I wonder which came first. Lottie selling her face or BadLottie deciding to persecute her. Suppose BadLottie wanted to persecute Lottie and then Lottie put her face on the market. Then BadLottie might think well that’s a stroke of luck I have a means of getting at her. OR. Lottie sells her face and then Bad Lottie sees it and thinks this is someone I can persecute. In the first case Lottie is the target from the beginning, in the second case Lottie is just an unlucky individual who sold her face at the wrong time. See what I mean?
As Linton indicates, given the lengths that this person has gone to to ruin Lottie’s life, there’s got to more more to this than any of us have thought of so far, I think.
Lottie’s 19 until next July. Shauna turned 20 three or four weeks ago (her birthday is October 11th, best I can figure). Mildred turned 20 a couple of months ago (September 1st). Claire and Linton are 19 or 20; their birthdays have never been pinned down. Glenn’s 24th (I think) birthday was back at the beginning of this case, on or around Halloween. Sonny is 19 for another couple months; his birthday is Christmas Day. Jack is like 50, or maybe negative 10, depending how you look at it. It gets kind of slippery with the sliding time scale.
I took that into account. I keep track of these things.
The flashback with Amy and Ryan in “The Case of the Forked Road” was explicitly “six years earlier”. Those flashback strips are actually interleaved with strips from the Scary Go Round story “Chilton Takes Charge”. Lottie was 13 during “Forked Road”, so she would have been 7 when she was introduced in SGR six years earlier, shortly after “Chilton Takes Charge” (both of which were during the fall/winter, so Lottie’s birthday doesn’t come into play), and she would have turned 8 during the summer between then and Sarah and Esther going off to uni at the end of SGR/beginning of Giant Days.
And this agrees with what I said before: There’s a three-year timeskip between the end of SGR and the beginning of Bad Machinery, into which Giant Days fits.
So, again, Lottie’s 19 now. She was 8 at the beginning of Giant Days. 11 years ago (plus a couple months, because it’s early November now).
But again, when Claire says Esther was here ten years ago, her off-the-cuff estimate isn’t wrong, because Giant Days lasted more than just the one year.
Well aware of the stuff involving the flashbacks to Chilton Takes Charge (one of my favorite SGR stories btw) and also the 3-year timeskip between SGR and BM, but in Author Unknown, Lottie said she was 8 when Shelley first met her early in the year, so you’d assume she turned 9 later that July, which is then followed by the start of Giant Days that September.
Did the math with both your timeline and also used the fact that SGR is concurrent with the years it ran from (2002-2009) to get the number I came to. This is helped by both of Lottie’s Giant Days appearances (both in the first half of the year) saying she’s 10 and 11 respectively.
None of this really matters at all to the reading experience, but it’s fun to figure these things out.
But, what about JUST TOO MUCH Saki (and NOT liking it?) Couldn’t that make some toxic, hung-over ski bunny commit murder? (And certainly no good reason to get a tattoo!)
Mind Crow perhaps. Some sort of talking dog on a skateboard. The mind reels at the possiblities. And I get the sense from preview pages and the headers that we’re going to find out over chapter 3 just who this person is and why they did this.
Since I missed commenting on Monday’s I love the access denied and Lottie’s reaction… she wasn’t digging that deep she just missed him. That and personally I thinks she’s intrested in him. Granted that may have to wait as Linton may be busy digging into Jack and where the heck he went (Which we know) and why (Which we do not). Even with Allison not liking them my money’s on Erin or Eustace. It also makes it clear that Jack’s time nightmare is happening in step with time in 20XX. So given these adventures are set in october to november jack has 9 months left on his time mission.
NewsBlur also doesn’t show any comic updates. The feed status is OK, there are timestamps confirming it was supposedly successfully fetched:
2025-02-11 15:50:02 OK (200)
2025-02-11 15:50:00 Not modified (304)
But the last actual items on it are Pretty Little Insect and then two blog posts (hourlies and Solver books).
A Secret Squirrel tattoo is nothing to be ashamed of.
I assume the tattoo is not a photorealistic portrait of Shauna.
Maybe is L from Death Note.
YES, A tattoo! Let’s try to guess what it is. Energy Crow? A bat? Or, trying to erase her fear, a seagull? The mystery about Evilottie grow and I really like Lottie’s powerful pose in last panel and how an amused Shauna contrast it so well
I’m going with Energy Crow or Tibkins (I think that was the name of Shelly’s literary creation).
What about Mind Panda?
What about the “Never Getting Pregnant” Panda from John’s TopatoCo page
Mind Panda!
I had a UV one (Batman-themed) on my arm
I say ‘had’ because it’s faded so much you can only find it in pitch black with a UV source if you know exactly where to look!
When I got it however it shone so much under UV it looked like it hovered above my skin, but nobody could see it during the day…
I guess the detective entourage are hoping Evilottie can’t track down the tattooist and find out what was inked behind Ethicalottie’s hairline
It’s a Garfield tattoo, isn’t it…
I’ll put demon possession in park but I won’t turn off the engine. There’s so much precedent.
Yes indeed. I’m guessing demonic possession is just common enough in this universe that it’s a normal thing that insurance companies have a policy for.
Obviously, it’s a tattoo of Our Lord and Saviour, Desmond Fishman. I mean, it’s pretty obvious.
Or how about Reverend David Penrose? Lottie displayed some interest in kneeling at his altar. 😉
Whatever the tattoo is, Shauna seems quite amused with the results.
My initial thought was that she was amused by the idea of demon[ic] possession but then it occurred to me that that’s probably something that the Mystery Kids have in fact encountered before. The only thing I recall at the moment about demons in the strip[s] is that, in “Scary-Go-Round,” it was revealed that the Devil is a guy called “Ralph” and that Ryan considered him to be a friend.
I can think of two other climactic tattoos in the SGR-verse:
-The creepy Black Metal Society tattoo from the pre-Boom Giant Days #3 (I think this was a dropped plot line)
-The photo-realistic tattoo Shauna’s step-dad got at the end of one of the Bad Machinery stories. That was a rare punchline (in anything) that made me actually LOL.
I think there’s a SGR flashback of Amy getting her ink as well, but I recall that happened off-panel (and possibly in Portland, Oregon?), and we already knew about her tattoos, so it wasn’t a climactic moment.
Needless to say, I’m looking forward to the reveal of Lottie’s mystery ink!
Never forget the explosion at the purple factory.
Oh, it was never dropped. It kept coming up.
It started out explodey, and then it got explodier.
Back in Bobbins, Shelley and Holly got matching friendship tattoos — a sprig of holly for Shelley, and a shell for Holly. IIRC, Shelley got hers lasered off after Holly went bad.
Demon possession is not out the question in the Tacklefordverse.
I’m going to get a tattoo of a Fortnum and Mason Imperial Hamper
Blimey! That’s a lot of ink!
I suggest a tattoo of Desmond on your chest, right over your heart.
Or what about a portrait of The Mogg, with the inscription “18th Century 4-Ever”?
I feel like I may have missed an important update about hampers. Is there an address where we should send them?
The window has closed on Imperial Hampers until Christmas 2025 but here’s a review of last year’s to keep you thinking along the right lines should anyone step out of line before then
I do need to be careful what I wish for because if I tried to consume the contents of that hamper I’d die of gout.
Consuming the silk pillow cases will probably cause something more serious than gout.
I think the 6 bottles of booze (one of which is a magnum, so 7 bottles…) would probably do you in before any gout took hold
Not the worst way to go
Gout doesn’t kill you. It just makes you wish you were dead.
(Obligatory band name: Cartilaginous Tophi.)
Is it legal in the UK to get a tattoo of the Royal Warrant of Appointment?
Oh man!!!!! The Tattoo Mystery!!!!!
Looking closely at the first two panels, I think it appears that the tattoo has lines in it
When the tattoo is revealed (provided this is not cut for length) it will be a great disappointment to everyone
We’ll hold you to that. If we aren’t 100% disappointed, we’ll all be very disappointed.
The secret to never being disappointed is to expect nothing. 😉
Oh I don’t know, I’ve gone around corners expecting nothing and been more than a bit disappointed when what turned up was the back of someone’s trailer.
It has to be a picture of the fictional author, John Allison
Maybe it’s one of the standard cliches of a butterfly, or a dolphin
As long as it’s not “Live, Laugh, Love” or “Dance like nobody’s watching…”
I know people with these permanent trite-marks and they are well disappointing
So excited by the imminent disappointment!
Finally realised what this comment reminded me of – Kiki and her quest to find no content on Sluggy Freelance.
It has to be something nobody expected… The Spanish Inquisition, for example.
I wonder which came first. Lottie selling her face or BadLottie deciding to persecute her. Suppose BadLottie wanted to persecute Lottie and then Lottie put her face on the market. Then BadLottie might think well that’s a stroke of luck I have a means of getting at her. OR. Lottie sells her face and then Bad Lottie sees it and thinks this is someone I can persecute. In the first case Lottie is the target from the beginning, in the second case Lottie is just an unlucky individual who sold her face at the wrong time. See what I mean?
As Linton indicates, given the lengths that this person has gone to to ruin Lottie’s life, there’s got to more more to this than any of us have thought of so far, I think.
Unless, of course, this whole thing was just Shanna’s scheme to get Lottie to get a tattoo.
Ugh. Shauna. Why do my fingers keep doing that?
She never quite worked out where to put that ‘x’ in her name, so inverting the ‘u’ to an ‘n’ is the next best thing?
Mildred made that up. You know how she is.
Just what everyone goes to Scotland to do: Get a tattoo.
It’s a tattoo of a deep fried Mars bar.
It’s Scotland. They deep fry everything. How can you tell the difference between a deep fried Mars Bar and an inferior piece of suspicious cod?
ANOTHER Reason one should never listen to bag pipes!
CMYK tattoo for calibration when you want to get your faded tattoos re-colored. Very clever.
Lottie sold her fact at age sixteen. How old is she now? I regret not already knowing that. 😐
19, I believe.
Lottie’s 19 until next July. Shauna turned 20 three or four weeks ago (her birthday is October 11th, best I can figure). Mildred turned 20 a couple of months ago (September 1st). Claire and Linton are 19 or 20; their birthdays have never been pinned down. Glenn’s 24th (I think) birthday was back at the beginning of this case, on or around Halloween. Sonny is 19 for another couple months; his birthday is Christmas Day. Jack is like 50, or maybe negative 10, depending how you look at it. It gets kind of slippery with the sliding time scale.
Lottie’s birthday being in July is why said Claire was right a few pages ago. She would’ve been 8-9 in the last year of Scary Go Round.
Just a minor follow-up on that discussion, I’ll stop here.
I took that into account. I keep track of these things.
The flashback with Amy and Ryan in “The Case of the Forked Road” was explicitly “six years earlier”. Those flashback strips are actually interleaved with strips from the Scary Go Round story “Chilton Takes Charge”. Lottie was 13 during “Forked Road”, so she would have been 7 when she was introduced in SGR six years earlier, shortly after “Chilton Takes Charge” (both of which were during the fall/winter, so Lottie’s birthday doesn’t come into play), and she would have turned 8 during the summer between then and Sarah and Esther going off to uni at the end of SGR/beginning of Giant Days.
And this agrees with what I said before: There’s a three-year timeskip between the end of SGR and the beginning of Bad Machinery, into which Giant Days fits.
So, again, Lottie’s 19 now. She was 8 at the beginning of Giant Days. 11 years ago (plus a couple months, because it’s early November now).
But again, when Claire says Esther was here ten years ago, her off-the-cuff estimate isn’t wrong, because Giant Days lasted more than just the one year.
Well aware of the stuff involving the flashbacks to Chilton Takes Charge (one of my favorite SGR stories btw) and also the 3-year timeskip between SGR and BM, but in Author Unknown, Lottie said she was 8 when Shelley first met her early in the year, so you’d assume she turned 9 later that July, which is then followed by the start of Giant Days that September.
Did the math with both your timeline and also used the fact that SGR is concurrent with the years it ran from (2002-2009) to get the number I came to. This is helped by both of Lottie’s Giant Days appearances (both in the first half of the year) saying she’s 10 and 11 respectively.
None of this really matters at all to the reading experience, but it’s fun to figure these things out.
The four squares seen on the tattooist’s right arm look at least as much like cybernetic implants as like tattoos. IMHO. 🙂
In a cruel twist of fate it’s actually a tattoo of Conan the Barbarian, which us readers will never be able to legally view..
CROM does not care about so called Legal Rights!
Is that… Tob?
This does not stop me from craning my neck and squinting my eyes at what it possibly might be!
But, what about JUST TOO MUCH Saki (and NOT liking it?) Couldn’t that make some toxic, hung-over ski bunny commit murder? (And certainly no good reason to get a tattoo!)
Do you think the Knuckle Guy actually spells it as “Knoc Kout”
Mind Crow perhaps. Some sort of talking dog on a skateboard. The mind reels at the possiblities. And I get the sense from preview pages and the headers that we’re going to find out over chapter 3 just who this person is and why they did this.
Since I missed commenting on Monday’s I love the access denied and Lottie’s reaction… she wasn’t digging that deep she just missed him. That and personally I thinks she’s intrested in him. Granted that may have to wait as Linton may be busy digging into Jack and where the heck he went (Which we know) and why (Which we do not). Even with Allison not liking them my money’s on Erin or Eustace. It also makes it clear that Jack’s time nightmare is happening in step with time in 20XX. So given these adventures are set in october to november jack has 9 months left on his time mission.
I think the RSS feed isn’t working.
At least I haven’t gotten an update in at least a week.
Or maybe the feed URL changed?
It’s working fine at my end. Sometimes Feedly stops picking it up, there’s nothing I can do about it.
NewsBlur also doesn’t show any comic updates. The feed status is OK, there are timestamps confirming it was supposedly successfully fetched:
2025-02-11 15:50:02 OK (200)
2025-02-11 15:50:00 Not modified (304)
But the last actual items on it are Pretty Little Insect and then two blog posts (hourlies and Solver books).
This happened before and nothing I did, or that anyone came up with, helped. It eventually cleared up on its own. Like a rash.
Little RSS code has lost its load and doesn’t know where to find it.
Leave it alone and it’ll come home, with all the missed comics behind it.
I love that the tattooist’s waiting room magazine have full page ads for a Laser Clinic with Mistakes B-gone technology.
This ain’t his first rodeo. He’s had more than one person come in to ask about getting rid of a tat.
Take me on,
Take on me.
Aargh, delete.