Carpay the ay-em
This is a very very very very worrying situation because we know our Lottie would never go “double Danish”. And now you’re going to have to wait until Wednesday to get to the bottom (!) of this.
This is a very very very very worrying situation because we know our Lottie would never go “double Danish”. And now you’re going to have to wait until Wednesday to get to the bottom (!) of this.
That does look like a nice pair of swirl buns
(Chealsea buns perhaps?)
I believe those are Tackleford buns.
… Or did you mean the pastries?
Very troubling indeed. Is there any way to prove that our Lottie and her bottom were with Claire and Glenn at the Slagg Pit the night before?
This took place earlier the same morning, not the night before. The duplicate Lottie was also at the Slag Pit the night before- you can see her in a skeleton costume on the right side of the page when Lottie, Claire and Glenn first arrived.
Who in the Tackleford Universe has two thumbs, speaks Italian, and is a master of disguise? That’s right, it’s the triumphant ritorno of Jesper Bloem!
Clearly, the shop’s been invaded by the ghost of Robbie Rotten.
I’d know those swirls anywhere. That’s a mummy butt!
They should have noticed the lack of purple puffer jacket, and realized it couldn’t actually be Lottie.
Maybe it’s the magic of the grayscale or the crazy smile, but Other Lottie looks a little younger than our Lottie. Like a couple of years younger. I wonder if she can prove her innocence.
It’s the Ay-Em energy that’s a giveaway. There comes an age where it is simply not possible to muster such enthusiastic poses after a night at the club.
Beware the evils of any alcohol served under an umbrella, Charlotty. It is a mocker.
I do hope that Kris isn’t planning to sell those danishes now. He should have at least picked them up with a pair of tongs!
A crazy evil twin that wants to destroy Lottie’s life? Who would devote the immense resources and time? Who pays them?
My last comment got eaten but i’d like to say two things before getting to my rambly thoughts on this page: Thank you all for the hurricane of amazing lottie sequel titles. You are a lovely bunch and i’m glad I went thorugh with that gag as you all outdid me impressively. Secondly i’ve linked an index of john’s work I made this weekend for the hell of it, a more formal version of what I did when I started commenting here so fans old and new know where to find all of it that isn’t currently unavaliable. (Though I don’t hold the unavaliable stuff against john as he’s been dealing with a LOT and it’s mostly odds and ends like heavy metal hearts and flowers (Which he may not have the pages to) or the bad machinery 2 backdoor pilot).
As for this strip itself Lottie 2: Lottie the Chud is intresting as she is terrifying: Part of what made this such a cliffhanger over the weekend is that it was uncertain if Lottie Part Deux was actually good at pretending to be Lottie or just got lucky on two men she’s worked with maybe a few months. HOrrifically.. she’s very good, possibly because she’s an evil homonculus with Lotties personality but none of her moral compass, but who or whatever Lottie: Beyond Thuderdome is she’s got the original’s personality down, which means anyone she cares about is in deep trouble. There’s only a select few characters who I feel both have the deductive skill and know her well enough to see through this and that’s just the mystery kids (Claire included), and Shelley so I have a feeling i’m going to be on pins and needles for the bulk of this four parter.. i.e. until some time early next year. Hooray?
The OTHER is lacking the Lotte Bun, so WHY wouldn’t they be suspicious?? Is her very nature deceptive, misleading and insulting?
shocking development
Time-travelling evil alias?
The assistant of the deceased Kendo Miyamoto is about Lotties hight and the color of hair would fit too. Otherwise the italian detective Paola Tosto was arrogant enough to eliminate any competition the rough way.
In unrealted news that happened after that big ole post, I joined the patreon. Would recommend, as there’s some neat q and as and a few bibs and bobs. Mostly saying this to recommend it to anyone not signed up who can spare the three bucks as you get pdfs for all of solver, most of steeple, and a lot of ods and ends including all four volumes of new bobbins. It’s not a bad deal. There’s also a bizzare patreon exclusive Giant Days sequel that’s worth the price of admission alone.
Have we seen this doppleganger anywhere at all other than the Slag Pit?
Ah, the social media request! Of course!
Aaand now I finally understand what “there’s two of them” means. Took me a minute, but I got there.
An observation, possibly meaningless: note Lottie’s eyes in the previous comic, in which she’s feeling surprisingly fresh, perky and hangover-free on her way to work. Her eyes are sharp and clear. In panel two of today’s, alt-Lottie is rocking some serious hangover eye-bag action. In panel 5, non-alt-Lottie seems to have suddenly developed the eye baggage. Curious. My assessment is that this is a multiple personality situation. Or a small, crimson fish.
Nope, Nevah!
It could be a signal of emotional distress. Iguanas develop black patches under their eyes when they are greatly moved (i.e. about to bite someone).
If the “past film reel” is accurate, the dress Lottie is wearing wasn’t the one she was wearing at the Slag Pit, which although her coworkers would not know, we would.
We saw Duplicate Lottie in the same frame as Lottie, when Lottie first arrived at the Slag Pit. She’s on the right hand side, wearing a skeleton costume. Of course, knowing John’s more metaphorical drawing style, that doesn’t necessarily mean she was physically present, but, given that the evidence seems to suggest that Duplicate Lottie murdered Miyamoto, I really don’t see John making Lottie a murderer. Framing her for murder, yes, but actually making her a murderer? I don’t think so.
My interpretation is that the dark patches around her eyes are traces of the skeleton makeup from the night before.
A Lotti For All Seasons
Aiee! Aiee! There is one…
and there is another one!
Aiee! Aiee!
Surely these are the End Times!
And also…
La Grote’s bare arse?
Anyone got some smelling salts?
I feel a fit of the vapours coming on.
And also…
La Grote’s bare arse?
Anyone got some smelling salts?
I feel a fit of the vapours coming on.
There’s an echo round here…
Aiee! Aiee! There is oneβ¦
and there is another one!
Calling it now: the skeleton Doppelganger from a few pages ago is behind this xD
I take it you haven’t been reading the comments.
I don’t even remember that. Bad me. π
C’mon, it should’ve been obvious that it was someone else. Couldn’t they see how her hair was different? π