Classed the place up
Nothing stings more than a false accusation. Except perhaps one of those invasive Asian hornets that we’re all so worried about. Or one of those Chinese scorpions in Shein orders we’re all so worried about. So perhaps lots of things sting more than a false accusation, but without improved import/export bio-controls, we may not live to find out what those things are.
Nothing more glamourous than a mirror selfie in a bathroom
I feel a certain increased level of difficulty in drawing that frustration tantrum in the last panel, or maybe I’m just imagining it
I suspect the accusation that stings her the worst is the claim that she would make terrible coffee.
It’s future Lottie, not telling anyone she’s future Lottie because she can’t.
I certainly hope not!
This is clearly how Secret Invasion kicks off in the Bobbinsverse. Skrulls mooning the innocent citizens of Tackleford from Hell to breakfast.
Everyone’s a Skrull. Everyone. Even the Skrulls are secretly different Skrulls.
I’m convinced that the terrible little handlebar mustache Johnny Storm is sporting these days is, in fact, a Skrull.
Reminds me of that “king-shaped” Oglaf strip with the shape-shifters who have usurped the identities of the king’s advisors to assassinate the king and then notice the king was already usurped by one of their fellow shape-shifters.
“Wait, I think I know that guy.”
Lottie’s two weaknesses: seagulls and frame-ups.
Maybe lottiegrote412 is actually five seagulls in a skelleton suit?
And when the five seagulls act individually, they’re the mini Lotties we’ve been seeing all this time!
I just saw a seagull attack a woman for her sandwich bag this morning! They are no joke. The evil seagull music from Puffin Rock is accurate!
The evil ” Lottie” was lurking in the corner, just waiting..
Those darn hornets are nothing to laugh at. I got hit by one after school when we all got out at our mountainside bus stop above Taipei (Taipei American School, 1978 I think), and some bright light decided to jazz things up by throwing rocks at a giant paper nest built on a utility pole nearby. The hornets were so big you could see them individually from 100 feet away. He got a couple of good hits in, and the nest exploded! We bravely scattered in every direction, but there was no getting away from their righteous wrath. Halfway home, one them got me on the shoulder, and it felt like I’d been struck by a baseball bat. I’ve been stung by a number of domestic species, but none of them have quite had that same savage kick. They call ’em Murder Hornets for a reason.
We just need to hope that Dean’s bee-training initiative bears fruit. … Or honey, maybe? Possibly a melomel.
So they should all cluster tightly around Evil Lottie and buzz loudly until she dies of overheating?
I was thinking the invasive Asian hornets, but, sure, that could work too.
For context:
I’m now picturing the Lottiegänger getting dogpiled by Little Claires in her bee jumper.
If Lottie were driven mad, how would we know?
The night kebab! Hopefully she didn’t drip chili/garlic sauce down that borrowed dress. Or wake up this morning with it half-eaten on her pillow.
… The dress, or the kebab?
Either one!
Night kebabs are potent chemical weapons, so maybe both!
Going back a number of years to the dawn of the mobile era, a mate of mine spilt some post-pub night-kebab extra chilli sauce juice down his white jeans. Next morning he texted me to say there was an actual hole in his jeans where the kebab had spilt.
Guessing that in referring to it as a frame up, Lottie has just reached some important conclusions about the murder
My impression is more that being accused of something she didn’t do AGAIN is bringing back the way it felt to be framed for murder, and probably her feelings of failure for not having caught the person who actually did it.
Not only will it recall feelings, when she has a moment to clear her head, she will quickly become suspicious of the coincidences involved. Her doppleganger couldn’t resist coming back for more, and thus they have overplayed their hand and it is only a matter of time before true Lottie finally erases that great failure from her resumé.
Poor Lottie, all the memories of the Miyamoto Incnident must be flooding back. Still, Real Lottie looks absolutely stunning in her Slag Pit selfie. I’m hoping it’s enough to convince the Coffee Shop folk.
I feel your angst so hard Lottie! So glad your crew is at least hearing you out!
She even said Glenn!
That’s how you know it’s serious.
Are Kath & Kim in the Tackleford cinematic universe? Bring it on!!
Indelibly so
Donny’s flip-open imitation leather phone case is a nice age-specific detail
Ok, I’m old and from acrost the pond, can someone explain where “tight 120” comes from?
A tight 10 or 30 or whatever is a description of a standup comedy set. Lottie is using it to describe two flawless hours on the dancefloor. I’m not sure any context exists for this usage because I pulled it from thin air.
120 dance moves per minute
At 120 minutes
Makes an astonishing 14,400 dance moves. More than enough to dance off the effects of half a fruity cocktail or two.
I am also old & across the pond, but proud of having figured this one out!
I pictured it as 1/3 of a 360, which in hindsight doesn’t seem like much of a dance move
Unless you’re measuring that in radians. Then 120 would be just over nineteen full rotations, which, as a dance move, would certainly impress me.
I’m interested to know how long the shop owners have been following the wrong Lottie. Seems they might’ve had a few questions before now and I’d love to know about the comedic mix-ups that have happened.
I think it was day before yesterday that Mildred visited, which is when Claire got the friend request from lottiegrote412. So it seems likely this is a fairly recent development.
The crew at the coffee shop seem to be accepting that it wasn’t actually Lottie the previous night, so that’s to the good.
Also, I just read WICKED THINGS for the first time, any chance of Detective Bohle showing up to help Lottie out?
Is it too late to name her doppelganger “Grotty ‘Lotte”?
She’s so traumatised she got Glenn’s name right!!!!!
Poor Lottie. Let’s hope they will believe her.
I’ve been rereading SOLVER and have noticed the little Lottie imp showing up a number of times in the background – leading me to believe that what we’ve got here is Charlotte’s own version of Mr. Mxyzptlk / Bat-Mite / Quisp gumming up her life for some unknown reason, perhaps going as far back as The Big Hiatus. I will be expecting my Neigh-Prize from Gary the Horse forthwith, thank you.
before the comments got wiped, we had lists of where the MiniChibiLottie showed up. The first time was in the Solver Autumn Special, on this page:
The chibus is benign!!!
Good to know. I love the chibi Lottie.
Huzzah! I figured the Chibus Vampirellum = evil doppel theory was an epileptic tree. It was fun to speculate about, but I will sleep better knowing it’s definitely not canon.
I figure it’s like shoulder angels and devils, but, Lottie being Lottie, rather than Good and Evil, she just has Ideas.
Plug-ins for Jesus(!!) For pro tools and logic pro! (or maybe that’s Pro Tool Logic on AmstradOS? Amdroid?)