Little Claire can be quite… intimidating. In the same way no one would want to have a stag beetle getting “all up in their “grill”””.
Archive for comic
Dean Thompson only appears on one page of this story but I hope he will return for a potential Solver volume 2 with a bigger part to play. And look, there’s Persil Non-Bio with its second appearance of the story.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Mountain Warehouse is a real chain. Halfway through making this comic I got nervous and thought I was talking about the business model of their main rival, Trespass. But I think Mountain Warehouse and Trespass would both like you to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The promise of dowagers has hung over Solver since the very start. Will Lottie ever achieve a head to head with one of these titled widows? Surely it is inevitable.
I wrote a camping issue of Giant Days (issue 12) and I just want you to know that I re-read that issue to make sure I didn’t repeat myself other than to reference myself, brilliantly as always.
I once went to a small festival in the woods. A friend had got herself invited. She didn’t know any of the people there. I went along with an abundance of trust. I can remember getting there, but I can’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Little Claire’s father is the fire chief. But we might argue that the true chief of fire is Claire herself. Yesterday I mentioned a festival in the woods near Bristol that I went to. Although I cannot remember how I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I think this comic is the second visual reference in one of my pages to Super Pipeline 2. I can’t remember where the first occurred.
In the immediate aftermath of Bad Machinery, I had an idea for a story called “Babysitter Of The Year”. I think I may even have shown a few prototypical drawings of it to people. Sometimes a great title is just[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…