Now I wonder whether that are the actual lyrics of Breeze of Changes by Spiders in the Tackelfordverse, or if these two just spent so much time perfecting the whistling that they neglected paying attention to the words.
When I was somewhere bigger than tyke and lesser than sir, we were subjected to a propaganda film in the gym-auditorium (I suspect this was my middle school;) It contained some very strong imagery that I don’t really remember (nothing graphic) and two songs: Van Halen’s “Right Now” and The Scorpions’ “Winds of Change”. Both songs are bangers but are rather corrupted in my memory by their role as crass propaganda.
It’s been whispered for years in conspiracy circles that “Winds of Change” was provided, fully written, to the Scorpions by the CIA.
The rise of abstract and pop art in the 1960s has also been ascribed to them, as a counter to Soviet claims that the United States had produced no original art movements.
Nah. Teenie Briars and Donnie the Dog will suddenly appear out of nowhere and snatch the victory. That’s why, a few years later, Lottie will be so determined not to let them beat her again. (Rereading those pages makes me really sad that all the comments are gone. We- the readers- had a lot of fun with those pages, as I recall.)
There is a song that is very well known to my family (and the very lucky people who visited my home when I was about 5 and were treated to a very special performance) only, called “By the Waters of Bartehain”. My sister also had an excellent song called “Gloucester Old Spots in the Navy” which was inspired by the Muppets and a book about farmyard animals. Good times.
Isn’t there anything they can’t do?
Damn you!
I had to go and look up The Scorpions’ original lyrics after reading that
And now it’s an earworm I won’t be able to shake until I listen to it through until the end
Now I wonder whether that are the actual lyrics of Breeze of Changes by Spiders in the Tackelfordverse, or if these two just spent so much time perfecting the whistling that they neglected paying attention to the words.
The Karaoke screen in panel 4 suggests they’re the official words. La!
Ah, yes, good old Ponky Ponk, located in the city of Mossy Cow.
Dedicated readers will remember that the song Winds of Change by The Scorpions was also referenced in the criminally underrated Wen-Tack
When I was somewhere bigger than tyke and lesser than sir, we were subjected to a propaganda film in the gym-auditorium (I suspect this was my middle school;) It contained some very strong imagery that I don’t really remember (nothing graphic) and two songs: Van Halen’s “Right Now” and The Scorpions’ “Winds of Change”. Both songs are bangers but are rather corrupted in my memory by their role as crass propaganda.
It’s been whispered for years in conspiracy circles that “Winds of Change” was provided, fully written, to the Scorpions by the CIA.
The rise of abstract and pop art in the 1960s has also been ascribed to them, as a counter to Soviet claims that the United States had produced no original art movements.
German power ballads? In this ecenomy?!
It was this, or White Rabbit. I think they chose well, if not wisely.
“Bang!*” by Gorky Park would have seemed crass.
*Say Da-da-da-daa!
I KNEW that was la Caballé!
Looks like we have two winners. Two amazing, incredibly skilled winners.
I’m sure this performance will make Beate love them even more
Yep. This will absolutely not make her more and more invidious and full of hate.
Nah. Teenie Briars and Donnie the Dog will suddenly appear out of nowhere and snatch the victory. That’s why, a few years later, Lottie will be so determined not to let them beat her again. (Rereading those pages makes me really sad that all the comments are gone. We- the readers- had a lot of fun with those pages, as I recall.)
That could explain what she said. Maybe not Donnie but a majestic San Bernardo. It’s really sad to know all our comments are gone.
well thank you for that rabbit hole, ALARIC SHAPLI
The pixellated backdrop is a little visual nod to the prior (future) talent competition.
There is a song that is very well known to my family (and the very lucky people who visited my home when I was about 5 and were treated to a very special performance) only, called “By the Waters of Bartehain”. My sister also had an excellent song called “Gloucester Old Spots in the Navy” which was inspired by the Muppets and a book about farmyard animals. Good times.
This may well be your finest hour.
Lottie trying for a last-minute change to hemline length (motion denied by Claire) before they take the stage?
IIRC they are working out some choreography.
No dog-dirt songs to be found here
Oh you two unbelievable queens!!
I guess they decided not to name themselves “Schengen”
My absolute favorite Freddie Mercury performance! He really could do it all, and was taken from us far too soon.
Terrific page!
What a TUUUUUNNNNNNEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They could have tried the Russian language version for added points.