Shakshuka breakfast
There’s something very satisfying for me in drawing Shauna and Lottie on panel together. They were largely designed as a pair and have a certain visual harmony. Now, you might ask how Shauna (a student from modest means) can afford this fine bedsit. I think this is a question for another day, but I do know the answer.
There’s something very satisfying about seeing Shauna and Lottie on panel together, too. You should do it more often. Much more often. (Hint, hint.)
Yes. Before Fate, and the vagaries of schooling policies following the opening of new tunnel routes, split them up, their relationship was moving in a potential direction. And not one panel above hints that either would be apposed to such a “merger”.
Crikey, the bar at the corner just below panel 1 used to be my local in the late 80s – The Belle now, then it was The Western.
I once had a chat with a guy there who claimed to be a writer, so I asked what he was writing. He had 2 books on the go… a novel about a guy who takes a glasgow bus to central america[1] (“cool cool, what’s the other one”) … and a history of the glasgow corporation buses. Those sound like works in progress I said, how do you support yourself – thinking about how Patreon might yet be decades away. “I work as a bus driver,” he said.
[1] I’ve often wondered if the guy was really Paul Laverty
I used to live on Dunearn Street, so literally a 10 minute stroll from this very panel. Very odd to see it in comic form.
You might ask how Shauna can afford this fine Bedsit, says john.
Meh, it’s in Glasgow, how pricey can it be? I thought (Casual racism in full effect.)
Checked the area out on Zoopla following your comments.
How can Shauna afford that place John? HOW???
Shauna lives in a very beautiful place, full of calm, light, plants and very little furniture. Even in this it’s possible to see her architect soul. Lottie really needed her and all this.
Nice flat, now how does she support it? Enquiring minds want to know.
That oat milk (if that’s what it is) looks a bit… fish(man)y to me.
If memory serves, that’s EGGO, the object of Des’ desires a few Christmases ago
EGGO has returned, and I am content!
I forgot all about that story! It all comes back to me now!
Oy, I didn’t recognize its horrifying visage without the legs.
Having legs might be the only thing that could make his visage even more horrible
I assume the answer to that question will be answered in Kill or Be Quilt, that is assuming it takes place before Wobbly Head.
The milk is öte
For Lottie Grote
Also, love that Lottie is commenting on the cast iron pan.
Yes, it seems Lottie’s search, as described by Claire just on the previous page, has already seen the fruits of success!
And the fruits of the tomato, apparently.
She has a lazy eye? I swear I never noticed. How could she have anything lazy?
Well, now we know which half of Shauna and Humphrey are the siblings.
It also makes me happy to see Shauna and Lottie together
P2 is just genius.
The hairs, the faces, the motion.
Thank you Mr. A.
Glasgow seems like a good fit for Shauna. Humble hard-scrabble roots yet elegant and hospitable with an eye and will for a better tomorrow. However when need be very assertive, and not afraid to gutter-fight.
I agree it just feels.. right to see these two together. They started as a duo and while they may each be leading their own series, it’s a bond that just can’t break. I also love Shauna’s ponytail look here so casual and sporty. Granted anything would be casual and sporty next to Lottie’s aquaman top but still, style counts.
There’s a Korean dish called bibimbap which is a little like shakshuka. Cooked rice mixed with vegetables and some meat served in a very hot cast iron bowl with a raw egg dropped on the top and served at the table sizzling. The rice in contact with the bowl went a bit crunchy. Jeez, I’m drooling.
My wife is a big fan of both shakshuka and bibimbap.
I so love Lottie and Shauna together
I think I saw Shakshuka Breakfast play at the Tunbridge Wells Forum around 1997. I think they were supporting Glitterbox.
i thought you weren’t supposed to make shaksshuka in cast iron because its tomato based and you aren’t supposed to do tomato based sauces in cast iron? Oh why can’t cooking be easy!?
In my comics, the opposite is true. If you cook tomatoes in anything other than cast iron, they’re poisonous.
Is this also true of cherries and milk?
Cast iron neutralizes the deadly nightshade, of course.
Presumably neither Shauna nor Lottie know this.
This is why we season cast iron properly. This means warm the pan, rub oil in well, then heat to roughly 400f for about 30-45 min and then cool in the oven for an hour or two. Then repeat 3-4 times.
What this means is the oil changes from a fluid to a organic polymer solid that is a coating over the pan.
If you have that, tomatoes are no issue.
Can someone please explain who the ‘Prairie Lady’ refers to?
The only GB Bakeoff I’ve ever watched was snippets of James Acaster who didn’t appear to be in the running for 1st place at the time; I’m cooking-show averse
(Not surprisingly I won’t be watching Meghan Markle’s spectacular cooking show either)
You’ll have to wait until Kill Or Be Quilt comes out to meet The Prairie Lady (I think she appears in issue 3 or possibly 4).
But Alan I am sure you have read Shauna’s premium miniseries The Great British Bump-Off!
Sounds like a reference to the Pioneer Woman to me, who currently accounts for approximately 1/4 of Oklahoma’s GDP I believe (the rest is evenly divided between beef, medical marijuana, and fracking fluid disposal).
Not merely Hillhead, but Hillhead Street (and The Great Westwern Road).
Very swish.
I love that if you get on the GWR heading out of Glasgow and just keep going it will take you deep into the Highlands, even to Skye. There’s a bus from Glasgow to Portree (or vice-versa, the way I got it) which follows this route and it’s a wonderful journey!
I grew up there, so that view out west on the, shall we say…less common clear days was always a tonic.
Has the UK been infected by America’s (and Walmart’s) tacky Pioneer Woman? If so, you have my sympathy.
I must state here for legal reasons that any resemblance to TV pioneer women living or dead is purely coincidental.