New pages are a week away, but to tide you over, here’s something to read that I took off the site by accident – Kit + The Wolf. I’ve made it a little sub-site, and I’m going to do this for all the completed comics. When I get a bit more time, I may restore a few things that have been off the web for a while too, and I’ll try to make a tidy hub for all these old stories on
All my websites were hit by a malware attack on Monday, it destroyed the Steeple, and Bad Machinery sites, and even the Scary Go Round placeholder site. Fixing it would have been very expensive and wasn’t worth it, my terrible web of under-maintained WordPress sites was doubtless to blame. So I am taking the opportunity to tidy things up. I will be archiving all the finished comics with super-light flat HTML websites, and putting any new comics up here.
My intention is to eventually migrate this site away from WordPress too, but speed was of the essence in getting it back up and WP has a lot of convenient functionality that I don’t have time to replace at the moment.
Unfortunately all the old comments, comic titles and descriptions were lost. I can go though on Wayback Machine and copy the titles and descriptions back but I suspect this will be a job for when I am delayed at the airport for twelve hours, as it will be slightly thankless.
It will take me a little while to restore the Steeple and sites as I am using a new CMS for those and there is design work to be done. But once I write a few scripts to help me bulk import comics, I should be able to make new archival sub-sites for Destroy History and any other orphan children.