A Holiday Harlequinade concludes
Oh thank goodness, I have awoken from my appalling visions a changed and chastened man. Or have I? I’m not sure. It was all such a blur and it’s fading fast now. Anyway, THE END.
Comics will return on January 1st as Wobbly Head continues. And I’ll post my albums of the year list later this week. But it’s time for me to take my court-mandated break from making comics, so however you celebrate the festive season, please have a safe and peaceful one. See you in 2025.
I think there’s something in that for all of us, don’t you?
Isn’t that one of the main characters in Solver?
Next Solver title: “Dekalog: Chapter 11”
After that they discover Kieślowski’s missing Fourth Color
Spoiler: it’s ecru
Ecru, Brute?
So much better than taupe
Trois couleurs IV: A New Taupe
[sustained applause]
A very happy holiday and laughter-filled new year to John and everyone here!
The four days against impending lung cancer from Susan P.’s second hand smoke.
A devils bargain.
And a happy Christmas to you
Thank you again for this fantastic holiday treat John! A very Festive Season and Happy New Year to you!!
Have a simply splendid Boxing Day, all!
A cheerful and festive Boxing Day Eve, everyone!
“I guess it doesn’t really matter as long as you enjoyed yourself.”
Engraved on my gravestone in three different languages to confuse future archaeologists.
A very small Rosetta Stone for future generations
The “Decalogue”… a series of films that I saw in higschool and that, even recognizing their artistic/philosophical/theological value and great directorial skill, I have no desire to resee. But the cartoonist knows how to appreciate them, maybe even use them for future stories.
Thank you for this series, I really enjoyed it. Have a wonderful and relaxing holiday!
Thank you Dan!
Mere words cannot describe how much I relate to this past week’s batch of comics. Thank you and see you next year.
Is that boy… Humphrey?
That is why he responded to the clarion call of “Glorf!”. It is the Chaddertonian pronunciation of “Glorb!”.
Peter Ackroyd keeps telling my fingers to type Chatterton, rather than Chadderton but I will have none of it. Hmmm… I just read that the eponymous Chatterton once fell in to an open grave while distracted-while-thinking. Surely some overlap here.
A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears.
Merry Christmas, Mr. Allison.
And God bless us, every one.
Every generation gets the version of this story it deserves.
The 10th of December was a Tuesday. Spending three days in order to extend your life by four is still a net positive! Merry Christmas to all, and may Father Christmas deliver your seasonal Gaviscon on schedule!
I enjoyed this very much. Des AND Susan? You are spoiling us, as ever. Merry Christmas Mr A!
“I’ll tell you what Kieslowski’s Decalogue is all about, John Allison.
“Lights, please.
“‘Thou shalt not have any gods before me. Thou shalt not make for thyself an idol in the form of…etc.’”
Heartwarming stuff!
And a Fine Fin it is! Please be kind to your stomach but ENJOY the merriment!
More merch for the shop: flowing, black hooded cloak with ‘fin’ embroidered in white. Walk into any story and end it!
Never heard of Gaviscon, had to look it up. I guess that pork pie wasn’t so great after all? But who (or what) is saying “why pieeee” off panel?
I assume that’s the John berating the pie for upsetting his stomach, he trusted that pie.
He’s tasting the flavor of regret.
Have you ever eaten an entire tractor wheel pork pie whilst drawing comics on nine hours’ upright and broken sleep? Frankly, a tumultuous tum is getting off light.
Would that I lived in a country where I could open my window, call out to some passing lad to take some money and fetch me the biggest Key Lime pie in all the land. *sigh*
Sounds to me like something that could happen in Canada, Eh?
The setbacks required by Vancouver’s zoning mean I’d need to have the arm of an MLB pitcher to toss the money to the kid. Worth it for good key lime pie, though.
I mean, you could probably do that in most countries.
Results may var as to wether or not the child returns with a pie though.
Like every story John has ever written, I could eat about 400 more pages of this. Always leave ’em wanting more! Happy holidays and a better 2025 to us all!
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc., etc. to all of you.
Have a Festivus for the rest of us!
I have my aluminum pole and I’m ready for the feats of strength!
Personally, I prefer Agnostica. I have my Schrödinger box ready to not open.
Good Yule, Merry Christmas and a very happy whatever else you all might be up to!
And many thanks to young Mr A for providing us with another year’s worth of excellent entertainment!
Right, I’m off to see if the Bulgarian offie has any of that dodgy absinthe, I’ll see you all in the new year with any luck!
Yet another fabulous tale. Thanks Mr A! And enjoy your very well deserved break.
Hope you and all here have a very merry chrimbo.
May ye have all the craic and none of the crap.