Two visitations in quick succession. Both, obviously, extremely welcome, as these two characters are very dear to my heart, even when they are tormenting me. Part 3 on Monday!
Archive for comic
Oh alas the poor cartoonist. Pity him, chained to his easel even when wassailers come. But who is the greatest wassailer of them all? Warlock Brian Fitzpatrick from Steeple of course. A merry figure even when he is forcing you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yes, here’s everyone’s Christmas present, Fit Mum and Tom Grendel from ill-starred comic “The Great Unboxing”. That’s right, I can bring back anybody, even characters no one remembers! Steeple volume 4 looks good, doesn’t it? Unlike “Jack” and “Steve”, whoever[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Look at these magnificent images. I’d picked up a real head of steam. Just imagine if I could work at this speed all the time. I’d be able to draw (thinks) more than a thousand pages a year. Most likely[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Oh thank goodness, I have awoken from my appalling visions a changed and chastened man. Or have I? I’m not sure. It was all such a blur and it’s fading fast now. Anyway, THE END. Comics will return on January[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Back to business after our brief hiatus! The second part of Wobbly Head starts here on Friday. As this cover image suggests, it’s a heartfelt hymn to friendship, resolving issues peacefully, and getting along. And couldn’t we all do with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Claire has taken up residence in Lottie’s room as the doppelgänger crisis continues to unfold. And in a classic case of “know your enemy”, she seems to have split herself into seven. Glenn sticks to an easy-to-manage single presence.
I wonder how much Teflon I’ve inadvertently eaten in my life. Raised with the early non-stick pan, members of generation X are patient zero for this. The demographic group, not Billy Idol’s punk band. Is Billy Idol a boomer? Born[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There’s something very satisfying for me in drawing Shauna and Lottie on panel together. They were largely designed as a pair and have a certain visual harmony. Now, you might ask how Shauna (a student from modest means) can afford[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You did not expect Linton, did you? I have made the hat fly off your head to the sound of a Swanee whistle. If you’re not familiar with this classic mystery solving character, I’m sure a brief trip into the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…