Only a truly cruel and vengeful Lottie duplicate would be so cruel as to consort with la Grote’s feared enemy, the seagull.
Lottie wore that x-Files hat in the final Bad Machinery story. I reckon it’s a Zazzle or Redbubble, not official merch. Don’t tell Skinner!
Oh no, oh dear. Finally, an audience with the doppelgänger in her nightmare universe. She seems nice!
Another glimpse of Claire’s many admirers. She’s a very popular bug! I’m sure we’ll see more of them.
When I showed this page to a cartoonist friend, he was very taken with the lad in panel 1, instantly nicknaming him “Bobby Problems”. Keep an eye out for the return of Bobby Problems.
I’ve never had to have a nip of anything to “settle my nerves”. I feel like it would be counterproductive. I usually just hide in the woods until the moment has passed. I cover myself in a big pile of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Good to see that Dean still has his rainbow door. And good to see that Essen Verboten are still making those iconic white hoodies.
ACCESS DENIED! We must imagine that Roddy’s Flophouse is a hostel. Cheap beds, sheets as diaphanous as the Turin Shroud. Night air pungent and betweemed by snores.