Lottie’s tattoo will remain a mystery for another day. It’s very in keeping with her “brand”.
This is a fun flashback, isn’t it? Nothing has been seen, thus far, of Lottie and Claire’s time between the end of Bad Machinery and the start of Wicked Things/Solver. Imagine if we could explore this territory a little more.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I said yesterday that further exploring Lottie and Claire’s post-16 pre-university mustery solving years was an impossible dream. I forgot that the next page also covered this same period. From this point onward, it is an impossible dream. Sorry for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Is this Chekhov’s gun? Fingers crossed, it’s just Bitsy’s father’s service revolver. Farewell for now, Shauna, but we’ll see you again in April for KILL OR BE QUILT from Dark Horse Comics. Part 3 of Wobbly Head begins on Monday!
A new chapter begins on Monday and all I can tell you is that it is snowy in the extreme. My Patreon subscribers in all but the lowest tier will be able to read it in full on Sunday. Sign[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You can read Solver part 3 in full (in hi-res PDF format) on my Patreon. Part 3 begins! I’ve never been on a sleeper train. I’ve slept on trains but never for more than about half an hour. A good[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Who is this winsome little bug? She seems very nice. Why have we gone backwards in time? Maybe it’s just fun to look back, sometimes. To remember how things used to be.
I recognise those two aspirational musical stars. The haircuts are different, but the song remains the same.